Splendid-Labyrinths Low

SPLENDID LABYRINTHS – Review by Caerdroiandream

It’s been nearly two and a half years since Max Corbacho released his last album, The Ocean Inside, which was an epic two and a half hour journey through monumental soundscapes and gorgeous atmospheres, the entire album an ambient masterpiece, concluding with the hauntingly beautiful Deeper Into the Ocean, a song I wished would never … Read more

Splendid-Labyrinths Low

SPLENDID LABYRINTHS – Review by Morpheus Music

STYLE  Vast beatless zones and undulating velvet expanses: Splendid Labyrinths is an album of ambient immensity and immeasurable time. Max Corbacho’s latest release features heaving multi-layered drones that seem to drift in and out of focus and intensity like slow-motion sunlight filtering through gracefully moving storm clouds. These opulent sonic textures are of impressive fathomless … Read more

Splendid-Labyrinths Low

SPLENDID LABYRINTHS – Review by Percorsi Musicali

L’ambient music odierna si compone di un grosso ventaglio di scelte: generi e sottogeneri in forma multipla, intersezioni con l’attualità digitale e rappresentazioni con sfumature umorali, hanno prodotto un ampio raggio d’azione che, in verità, non è più controllabile all’occhio critico. Si è compiuto un processo di consolidamento, in cui l’iniziale e crescente audience di … Read more

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