VESTIGES / Rhys Philip Buckingaham

  Rhys Philip Buckingaham from Nelson, New Zeland «I discovered Max Corbacho’s rich atmospheric music by chance just as I had found Robert Scott Thompson’s masterpieces of computer generated ambience a year or so ago. Max is a Spaniard whose musical directions certainly are strongly influenced by RST, and also Steve Roach and Michael Stearns. … Read more

VESTIGES / Lloyd Barde, «Backroads Music»

Lloyd Barde /»Backroads Music» «In the realm of Roach’s «Dreamtime Return,» but vibrant and unique in its own right, this CD by Max Corbacho seems to touch all the right regions of space drift, tribal ambient, and those carving, penetrating textures that we are all so fond of. In Max’s own words, «Welcome. If you … Read more

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