THE TALISMAN / Phil Derby, Electroambient Space

Phil Derby / Electroambient Space Gorgeous and breathtaking, The Talisman is pure floating space music of the highest caliber. Delicate drifting soundscapes pass effortlessly by. From the opening passages of “Amnios,” there is a metallic shimmer to much of the sonic textures. Layers upon layers of soft sounds are gently weaved together, one sliding smoothly … Read more

VESTIGES / Rhys Philip Buckingaham

  Rhys Philip Buckingaham from Nelson, New Zeland «I discovered Max Corbacho’s rich atmospheric music by chance just as I had found Robert Scott Thompson’s masterpieces of computer generated ambience a year or so ago. Max is a Spaniard whose musical directions certainly are strongly influenced by RST, and also Steve Roach and Michael Stearns. … Read more

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